
Monday, July 30, 2012

Tongue - 02

The tongue functions on mechanical digestion, mainly in chewing and helping to move food from the mouth down into the throat. The front of the tongue is used to manipulate the food during chewing, and the base of the tongue aids in swallowing .
It is also a sensitive touch sensitive organ and plays an important role in speech. (In the session on sensory nerves we will  describe the sensory functions of the tongue in tasting food).

The tongue is composed mostly of skeletal muscle and is covered by a smooth film of mucous  membrane on the underside. The irregular dorsal (top) surface contains papillae taste buds and other structures to sense taste.

 The mucous membrane covering the tongue is ordinarily divided into sections the anterior two thirds (2/3rds) and the posterior third ( 1/3). The separate sections are delineated by the V- shaped sulcus terminalis). The oral part corresponding to the body of the tongue contains three types of papillae. The pharyngeal part, representing the root of the tongue contains the lymphatic nodules of the lingual tonsil.

The interlacing muscles of the tongue are so arranged that it can be moved in any direction and even slightly shortened or lengthened. The tongue contains three bilateral pairs of extrinsic muscles (muscle with attachments outside the tongue, and three pairs intrinsic muscles (muscle wholly within the mouth to form it into a round mass, or bolus, and the intrinsic muscle assist in swallowing. Both types of muscles are innervated by the hypoglossal cranial nerve(X11).

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  1. oyage wedanam niyamai nanga....niyaamai..aththatama

  2. oyage blog akata man hemadama anawa....mat godak asai..godak satutui

  3. aththamai..saththai....i like u...

  4. hmm godak asai godak.....

  5. plz i want learn cardiovasculer system can u post that system.thanx dear.

  6. man dawalta annam..oya ediyot plz chat me..

  7. ko nanga me oyawa hoyanawa,,,
